Stories That Stick

After every keynote I give, I go back to the AV table where someone helps me take the microphone battery pack off my back. And every time I have to apologize for how sweaty it is.

I know, it’s gross. But there’s a reason.

You see, every keynote has a set time limit. I usually get an hour, sometimes 45 minutes, sometimes less to try to teach the audience what they need to know in order to harness the power of their stories.

This means, from the moment they announce my name and I walk on stage, it is a race against the clock (literally — there is often a big timer on the stage counting down the seconds). I race to pack every-last-second with the info you need to access the stories within you. My Apple Watch actually tracks it as a workout.

When the time ticks down to zero, I thank the crowd and head backstage, sweating like I just finished a 5 mile sprint. And though I’m always satisfied with what we covered, I ALWAYS wish I had more time... there is ALWAYS more I wish I could have shared...And now... I can!

I am thrilled to announce that my first book about storytelling in business is now available for pre-order at all of your favorite booksellers!

Stories that Stick: How Storytelling Can Captivate Customers, Influence Audiences and Transform Your Business is a comprehensive book designed to teach you how and why storytelling is an essential skill in business and give you the tools you need to be able to create your own. It is filled with stories and case studies and original research I’ve never shared before.If ever you’ve wondered what’s next for your storytelling. Or if I’ve ever had the honor of speaking for you and you wanted more... this book is it.

I am so proud of how this project turned out and elated to finally invite you to be a part of making this book a success story.

And though I’ll probably always be a little sweaty after I speak, I am so happy to finally have this book to take a little pressure off and give you the next steps in your storytelling success.

Thank you in advance for your support — I can’t wait to hear the stories you’ll tell.


Ignite Immediate Empathy With Storytelling


Building Relationships with Storytelling